Candy, a seasoned practitioner with over a decade of experience in metaphysical arts, offers a range of transformative spiritual services to support and guide individuals on their unique journey. Her services include Tarot Readings, Enhanced Tarot, Spirit Channeling, Spell work, and Rituals, all designed to illuminate and empower. Candy also provides Remote Viewing, a powerful tool that harnesses the energies of clairvoyance and intuition to connect with clients across distances. Whether in-person or remote, Candy tailors her services to meet the distinct needs and aspirations of each individual, weaving a personalized tapestry of spiritual growth and self-discovery.​
Pricing & Services:
Aura Reading & Depiction * $40
Remote Viewing * $60
Tarot Reading * $60
Enhanced Tarot * $100
Medium & Spirit Channeling * $100
Ritual & Spellcasting * $100-$300
​Inquire within !